I dragged out the ladder and cordless drill and finally hung the trellis I built last summer for my clematis. See it hanging so prettily here:
I can't wait to see the vine climb along it and bloom.
High on that accomplishment, I ran upstairs and stitched the final seam in my alterations of a beautiful and expensive tapestry jacket I inherited from my MIL (It was a few sizes too large for me but she'd never worn it--talked into buying it by the boss' wife who worked there--and it was very pretty--she didn't want to give it away to just anybody). Inspired by a photo in a catalogue, I gave it princess seams to fit me and now I have a fashionable summer/fall coat. Perfect for summer fog in San Francisco...
Other good news--I have a paying editing job for the next two days, tight deadline. I'm a happy camper.
Hubby treated me to dinner at P.F. Changs to celebrate.