
I write science fiction and fantasy blended with romance. Escapist fiction! I also write contemporary romance. Like most authors, I’ve been doodling stories in pieces since I could lift a pencil, but aside from a few creative writing courses in college, I only got serious about learning the craft with an eye on publication in 2001.

I hold a BS in Zoology, from Oregon State University. After volunteering with wildlife rehab for a summer and working with the National Biological Survey for another summer, I worked as a zookeeper for five years. Animals I cared for include porcupines, river otters, birds of prey (I have falconry handling knowledge as well as vet care) fish, reptiles, amphibians, insects and spiders (Black widows– I squished them at home and fed them yummy crickets at work...). I left that field to start a family then picked up writing and editing fiction as a second career. My passion for the natural world is often woven into my fiction--I can't help it.

Hobbies: gardening (sort of), knitting, sewing, crochet, quilting, reading and writing. As a student of kenpo karate, I earned a purple belt and learned to use nunchucks, sticks and staves as well as my hands and feet to cause pain…lots of fun. And I’m a darn good shot with a pistol. I was in the SCA in college, a medieval historical recreation society. I helped create armor, hand hammered from sheet metal, and chain mail with hand-turned wire. I was into costuming (any excuse to play dress-up) and watching sword battles from the sidelines. Post-college, I played a live-action version of Vampire the Gathering (Whitewolf Publishing) with a large group of gamer geek friends, and I also played tabletop AD&D, Cyberpunk, and Shadowrun. All storytelling outlets...hmmm....

Nowadays, I’m a dog mom (daughter all grown up!), wife, writer, and editor. Mostly that last one. We live in Oregon on a hill, under trees.

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